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Lucas Davey

Solo Exhibition 
Ar Drywydd Dreigiau
In the Footsteps of Dragons


2 March - 13 April 2024

Lucas is an author, conservationist and artist who lives in the heart of the mountains of North Wales. He draws inspiration for his art both from his fascination with this ancient land’s ancestral and mythological past, as well as from a deep love and compassion for its wildlife. As can be seen from his work, Lucas’s love for nature not only extends to those creatures who currently inhabit this landscape, but also betrays a nostalgia and longing for those many wild creatures, once common, but now no longer exist. His skilful mastery of realism combined with a unique, minimalist 'chiaroscuro' style, powerfully captures both the soul of his subjects whilst evoking an intimacy not often found in contemporary art. 


Mae Lucas yn awdur, cadwraethwr ac artist sy'n byw yng nghanol mynyddoedd Gwynedd. Mae’n dwyn ysbrydoliaeth i’w gelf o’i ddiddordeb mewn gorffennol hynafiadol a mytholegol y wlad hynafol hon, yn ogystal â chariad dwfn a thrugaredd at ei bywyd gwyllt. Fel y gwelir o’i waith, mae cariad Lucas at natur nid yn unig yn ymestyn i’r creaduriaid hynny sy’n byw yn y dirwedd hon ar hyn o bryd, ond hefyd yn lleisio hiraeth am y creaduriaid gwyllt niferus hynny, a fu unwaith yn gyffredin, ond nad ydynt bellach yn bodoli. Mae ei feistrolaeth fedrus ar realaeth ynghyd ag arddull ‘chiaroscuro’ finimalaidd unigryw, yn dal enaid ei wrthrych yn rymus tra’n dwyn i gof agosatrwydd nad yw i’w gael yn aml mewn celf gyfoes.

Lucas Davey - Video Archive

Lucas Davey - Video Archive

Exhibition Launch &
Preview Archive
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