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Between Words / Rhwng y Geiriau

Between Words / Rhwng y Geiriau

Julian Brasington


Between Words


In his book, ‘Un Captif Amoureux’ (Prisoner

of Love), Jean Genet reflects upon the impossibility of capturing lived moments in writing. A particular phrase of his stuck with me: ‘the space between words contains more reality than does the time it takes to read them’. The aphorism ‘In the space between words, their intention’ is my response to

Genet and to the essentially unbound nature

of words.




Edition of 17


Framed Size: 28.5cm x 36.5cm

Unframed Size: 27cm x 20cm


Framed: £200

Unframed: £150


Yn ei lyfr, ‘Un Captif Amoureux’ (Carcharor cariad), mae Jean Genet yn myfyrio ar yr amhosibilrwydd o ddal eiliadau byw yn ysgrifenedig. Ymadrodd penodol arhosodd gyda mi yw: ‘mae’r gofod rhwng geiriau yn cynnwys mwy o realiti na’r amser mae’n ei gymryd i’w darllen’. Y wireb ‘Yn y gofod rhwng geiriau, eu bwriad’ yw fy ymateb i

Genet ac i natur hanfod amwys geiriau.




Rhifyn 17


Maint Ffrâm: 28.5cm x 36.5cm

Maint heb ei fframio: 38cm x 28.5cm


Wedi'i fframio: £200

Heb ei fframio: £150


    © Oriel Tŷ Meirion 2025

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