Horse Chestnut Triptych / Triptych Castan
Katy Jones
Horse Chestnut Triptych
Observations of the gradual transformations of nature from blossom into ripe horse chestnuts.
Watercolours and coloured pencils on cold pressed watercolour paper
Framed Size: 65cm x 37cm
Was £315
Now £283
Triptych Castan
Arsylwadau drawsnewidiadau graddol natur o flodau i gnau castan aeddfed.
Lluniau dyfrlliw a phensiliau lliw ar bapur dyfrlliw wedi'i wasgu'n oer
Maint Ffrâm: 30cm x 35cm
Bu yn £315
Rŵan yn £283
£315.00 Regular Price
£283.00Sale Price