Rite of Passage / Defod Ymdaith
Lucas Davey
Rite of Passage / Defod Ymdaith
Acrylic on Canvas Board / Acrylig ar Fwrdd Cynfas
Rising from the grave, hemmed in by great cliffs of rock on either side, how many of us, like the mercurial buzzard so common to the Welsh mountains, have experienced their own rebirth and found a way to rise and soar above life’s seemingly insurmountable trials and challenges? A precious few perhaps? And yet this is a painting that carries a spirit of hope and ultimate triumph for us all.
Yn codi o'r bedd, wedi'n hamgylchynu gan glogwyni mawr o graig o boptu, sawl un ohonom, fel y bwncath ebrwydd mor gyffredin ym mynyddoedd Cymru, wedi profi eu haileni eu hunain a dod o hyd i ffordd i godi ac esgyn uwchlaw treialon a heriau bywyd sy’n ymddangos yn anorchfygol? Eneidiau prin efallai? Ac eto dyma beintiad sy'n cario ysbryd o obaith a buddugoliaeth eithaf i ni i gyd.
Mounted Size: 36cm x 45cm
Limited edition of 200