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Search for the Pink Unicorn / Chwilio am yr Uncorn Pinc

Search for the Pink Unicorn / Chwilio am yr Uncorn Pinc

Judith Harrison


Search for the Pink Unicorn


Pink Unicorns have great power, being able to be both invisible and pink at the same time.

They are a symbol of good luck. This unicorn isto be found in the centre of a Labyrinth, one

of the most ancient symbols of mankind found throughout the ancient world. The

meandering and circular journey from anuncertain and foreboding outside world into

the centre brings peace and wholeness to thetraveller (and an encounter with a charming

Pink Unicorn).


Embellished hand printed collagraph on linen


Chwilio am yr Uncorn Pinc


Mae Uncyrn Pinc yn greaduriaud nerthol, gan allu bod yn anweledig a phinc ar yr un pryd. Maen nhw'n symbol o lwc dda. Mae'r uncorn hwn i'w ganfod yng nghanol y Labyrinth, un o symbolau mwyaf hynafol y ddynolryw a geir ledled yr henfyd. Mae'r daith droellog a chylchol o fyd ansicr ac arswydol i grombil y Labyrinth yn dod â hedd a chyfanrwydd i'r teithiwr (a chyfarfyddiad ag Unicorn Pinc swynol).


Gludlun goludog wedi argraffu â llaw ar liain


Maint Ffrâm: 52.5 x 52.5cm




Framed Size / Maint Ffrâm: 52.5 x 52.5cm



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